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Virtual Organization
Katzy, B., & Crowston, K.. (2007). Competency rallying processes in virtual organizations (K. Crowston & Seiber, S., Eds.). In Proceedings of the IFIP Working Group 8.2/9.5 Working Conference on Virtuality and Virtualization (pp. 67–83).
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virtual teams
Eseryel, Y., Crowston, K., & Heckman, R.. (2021). Functional and Visionary Leadership in Self-Managing Virtual Teams. Group & Organization Management, 46(2), 424–460.
PDF icon 1059601120955034.pdf (947.47 KB)
Watson-Manheim, M. B., Chudoba, K. M., & Crowston, K.. (2004). The paradox of discontinuities and continuities: Toward a more comprehensive view of virtuality. In Academy of Management Conference. Presented at the Academy of Management Conference, New Orleans, LA.
PDF icon paradox2004 (379.81 KB)
Chudoba, K. M., Crowston, K., & Watson-Manheim, M. B.. (2002). Discontinuities and Post-Bureaucratic Organizing: A Framework and Research Propositions. In Academy of Management Conference. Presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Denver, CO.
PDF icon academy2002 (179.3 KB)
Chudoba, K. M., Watson-Manheim, M. B., Lee, C. S., & Crowston, K.. (2005). Meet Me in Cyberspace: Meetings in the Distributed Work Environment. In Academy of Management Conference, OCIS Division. Presented at the Academy of Management Conference, OCIS Division, Honolulu, HI.
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Watson-Manheim, M. B., Chudoba, K. M., & Crowston, K.. (2007). Distance Matters, Except When It Doesn't: Discontinuities in Virtual Work. In Academy of Management Conference. Presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
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Watson-Manheim, M. B., Chudoba, K. M., & Crowston, K.. (2002). Discontinuities and continuities: A new way to understand virtual work. Information, Technology & People, 15(3), 191–209.
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Watson-Manheim, M. B., Crowston, K., & Chudoba, K. M.. (2002). A New Perspective on "Virtual":Analyzing Discontinuities in the Work Environment. In Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICIS).
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Wei, K., & Crowston, K.. (2010). The impact of national culture on knowledge sharing in global virtual collaboration. In Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Presented at the Proceedings of International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), St. Louis, MO, USA.
visionary leadership
Eseryel, Y., Crowston, K., & Heckman, R.. (2021). Functional and Visionary Leadership in Self-Managing Virtual Teams. Group & Organization Management, 46(2), 424–460.
PDF icon 1059601120955034.pdf (947.47 KB)
work design
Crowston, K., & Bolici, F.. (2019). Impacts of machine learning on work. In Proceedings of the 52nd Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-52).
PDF icon Impacts_of_machine_learning_on_work__revision_.pdf (300.76 KB)
Crowston, K., & Bolici, F.. (2020). Impacts of the Use of Machine Learning on Work Design. In 8th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction.
PDF icon Impacts_of_ML_for_HAI_2020.pdf (453.59 KB)
