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Malone, T. W., & Crowston, K.. (1990). What is coordination theory and how can it help design cooperative work systems? (D. Tatar, Ed.). In Proceedings of the Third Conference on Computer-supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) (pp. 357–370).
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Jackson, C. B., Østerlund, C., Maidel, V., Crowston, K., & Mugar, G.. (2016). Which Way Did They Go? Newcomer Movement through the Zooniverse. In 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW).
PDF icon CSCW2016-Roles.pdf (1.38 MB)
Crowston, K., Jullien, N., & Ortega, F.. (2013). Is Wikipedia Inefficient? Modelling Effort and Participation in Wikipedia. In Forty-sixth Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-46). Retrieved de
PDF icon hicss2013_CrowstonJullienOrtegawork_revised.pdf (233.21 KB)
PDF icon v6i1-myers-crowston.pdf (833.45 KB)
Crowston, K., Østerlund, C., Howison, J., & Bolici, F.. (2011). Work as coordination and coordination as work: A process perspective on FLOSS development projects. In Third International Symposium on Process Organization Studies. Presented at the Third International Symposium on Process Organization Studies, Corfu, Greece. Retrieved de
PDF icon PROS-134.pdf (521.15 KB)
PDF icon Stigmergy theory paper to share.pdf (261.44 KB)
