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Building a collaboratory for research on open source software development (Poster). In eSocial Science Conference.
. (2007). Howison_eSocSciPoster-small.pdf (1.06 MB)Building a collaboratory for research on open source software development (Poster). In eSocial Science Conference.
. (2007). Howison_eSocSciPoster-small.pdf (1.06 MB) . (2008).
A proposed data and analysis archive for research on Free and Open Source Software and its development (Poster). In eSocial Science Conference.
. (2007). FLOSSmole: A collaborative repository for FLOSS research data and analyses. International Journal Of Information Technology And Web Engineering, 1(3), 17–26.
. (2006). FLOSSmole.pdf (212.33 KB)