CFP: Open Movements: FLOSS, Open Contents, Open Access and Open Communities
The mini-track continues seven earlier HICSS mini-tracks addressing the trend towards the adoption of open strategies for peer production, collaboration and knowledge creation. This year its scope includes the software technology track's interest in new and emerging technical aspects of open systems. The mini-track solicits interdisciplinary research about these topics, both in the software development field, and addressing the challenging questions raised by these open movements for many different research fields. This minitrack will provide a place for research and conceptual work to address a variety of questions, such as examining the implications of open content from technical, economic and policy perspectives. As well, we welcome studies of the deployment of FLOSS and OC studies, exploring the motivations of individuals to contribute to projects. Studies of the structure and function of open teams and communities are also in the scope of this mini-track, including analysis of the social networks created by those communities and their evolution over time. In addition to studies of specific communities, we seek papers that draw connections across different settings, to pose more general questions and explanations or to explore the design and analysis of novel systems.
A more comprehensive and detailed Call for Papers is available at
The mini-track covers all aspects of the Open Movement phenomena, such as:
Free, Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS)
Open Contents (OC)
Open Access Publishing (OA)
Open Communities (OComm)
Possible topics for this mini-track include:
Ideologies behind and motivations for participation in open projects
Member satisfaction and effectiveness in open projects
Creators' roles in open projects and their evolution over time
Leadership, management and policies in open projects
Distributed project, team, and group development and management for open projects
Distributed collaboration in and coordination of open projects
User involvement and user support in open projects
Knowledge management and learning in open projects
Issues in distributed software development for FLOSS
Issues in content development in open content and open communities
Open projects as Communities of Practice and problems implementing open practices
Social networks of open projects
Economics of open projects
Community development and its evolution in Open Communities
Information quality and credibility of open content
Applications and adoption of open project products
Implementation of FLOSS systems
FLOSS systems supporting open projects
Forecasting the evolution of open movements
New application areas in FLOSS
Evaluation, comparison, unification, and differentiation of technical aspects of open projects
Methods for simplifying development, maintenance, and multi-platform portability in FLOSS
Applications of open source software in education, government and other domains
Minitrack co-chairs
Wolfgang Bein, Center for the Advanced Study of Algorithms, School of Computer Science, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 89154 USA. Phone: 702-895-1477. Email:
Clinton Jeffery, Department of Computer Science, University of Idaho, Moscow Idaho 83844 USA. Phone: 208-885-4789. Email:
Kevin Crowston, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University, Syracuse, 13244 USA. Phone: 315-443-1676. Email:
Felipe Ortega, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain. Phone: +34-91-488-8523. Email: