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International Collaboration within Electronic Government Research Domain: A Scientometrics Analysis

In this article, we carried out Scientometrics analysis of the electronic government research (EG) domain focusing on the relationship among university-industry-government (UIG) using triple-helix (TH) indicators. We collected and analyzed 1,103 scholarly publications that were classified as "e-government" related from Web of Science database. These articles were published in SCI, SCI-E, SSCI, A&HCI journals during the years 2000-2010. A total 1,477 authors were collected from 1,103 scholarly publications. The authors' affiliated institutions were divided into three categories: University (U), Industry (I), and Government (G). Analyses were carried out using social network analysis techniques alongside with TH indicators. Preliminary results showed that EG research collaboration (in terms of co-authorship) is taking place across regions among different TH components and majority of the research is done by the university component of the triple helix. USA, UK, Canada, Germany, and Singapore emerged as hubs of collaboration by having join research publications with both developed and developing nations. Network characteristics (e.g. degree centrality) indicate that developed countries (e.g., USA, UK, and Canada, Germany) have a well established scientific collaboration network and occupy central position in the network; whereas, developing countries contribution is solo and marginal except for some emerging economies, such as, Singapore. Based on results, we may be able to guide research policy in right directions for healthy growth of the e-government research domain.