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Artificial intelligence in information systems: State of the art and research roadmap

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS), Volume 50 (2022)


<p>Many would argue that artificial intelligence (AI) is not just a technology but represents a paradigmatic shift in the relationship between humans and machines. Much of the literature assumes that AI-powered practices are substantially different and profoundly changes organizational structures, communication, affordances, and ecosystems. However, research in AI is often fragmented and lacks clarity. While the Information Systems (IS) field can play a pivotal role in the emergence and use of AI, there is a need for a clear direction that specifies how IS can contribute and what are to be the key research themes and questions. This paper draws on a PDW at ICIS 2020 and the discussions that followed. It summarizes and synthesizes five decades of the impact of AI on organizational practices, providing views from various perspectives. It identifies weaknesses in the current AI literature as measured against conceptual clarity, theoretical glue, cumulative tradition, parsimony, and applicability. The paper concludes by identifying direct actions that the IS research community can undertake to address these issues. The final contribution is a next-step research agenda to guide AI research in the coming years.</p>

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