Academy of Management Junior Faculty Consortium Call for Participation

The OCIS Division will sponsor a Junior Faculty Consortium on Friday 9 August 2013, prior to the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Lake Buena Vista, FL.

HICSS 2014 Digital and Social Media Track

The Digital & Social Media track of the Hawai'i International Conference on System Science (HICS) is a convening platform for researchers to share and discuss their cutting-edge research on digital and social media. Defined in a broad sense, digital media are digitized content (text, graphics, audio/video) that can be archived and transmitted over multiple networks such as cable, satellite, telecommunications, and broadband networks to a variety of digital devices from mainframe systems to individual smart phones.

Special issue on Open Source Sustainability

The January 2013 issue of the Technology Innovation Management Review is on the theme Open Source Sustainability. It's available . Nicolas Julien, Felipe Ortega and I have a in the issue on sustainability of Wikipedia.
